Perusal, Synthesis, Bliss

Il m'alarme de voir suggérer presque quotidiennement des moyens d'augmenter la production alimentaire pour «suivre la croissance de la population», mais si rarement, et d'ordinaire dans des publications confidentielles, de rencontrer des auteurs pour reconnaître cette évidence qu'il est impossible de nourrir une population qui continue à croître exponentiellement, comme le fait maintenant la nôtre, d'au moins 1.7% par an. (En brûlant les combustibles fossiles: nous entamons notre réserve d'oxygène. Cole, Lamont. Science & Vie. Number 606. March 1968. p.53ff, p.59f)

My name is Julien Scordia, I live in France and work as an engineer. I use LyX to take reading notes, write syntheses, and maintain some diaries. Some of my notes are uploaded on this website, which is named Perusal, Synthesis, Bliss. They are provided "as is", with no censorship, since I have not enough time to tweak them for hours; yet I hope that the contents may be of some use to people finding them by serendipity. Perusal, Synthesis, Bliss is written in English language as much as possible but it may contain French here and there (when relevant or when I did not take time to write in English).

You may contact me by clicking here; if needed my public key for encryption is available.

Perusal, Synthesis, Bliss is completely made from LyX source documents, using a homemade script generating the index pages and menus automatically from a directory hierarchy on my computer (about 2000 lines of Python code). Manual operations are reduced to the minimum. As a LyX to HTML converter I use elyxer since for the time being it is superior to the LyX to XHTML internal converter.

Without further mention on a particular page, Perusal, Synthesis, Bliss is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sometimes I use the following color code in the articles:

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